Programs to hit your first chin-up, or hold your longest front lever.

“I thought bodyweight workouts were just push-ups and planks. I was doing exercises for my back, core, arms and legs that I never knew existed. The trainers know their stuff!”

Mikey, Software Engineer

Suitable for all levels

Programs led by world-class calisthenics coaches to get you stronger. Follow our beginner back program with Simonster. It’s three days a week for users looking to get their first chin-up!
Beginner programs basebar
Unlock advanced exercises basebar

Unlock advanced exercises

Forget adding reps, introduce new, advanced exercises as your strength improves. We’ve got six week programs centred around a specific kill. Bridge the gap between chin-ups and levers with SImonster’s unlocking the advanced tuck front lever.

Track your strength level

We have three levels; beginner, intermediate and advanced. Test your max before and after each program. Pick the perfect program based on your experience level.
Track your strength level basebar

Get access to the best trainers and the strongest programs.
Start 7-day free trial

Beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts available. New programs added weekly.


You’ll get exclusive access to calisthenics and mobility programs designed by expert trainers. We release new programs every week.

Your subscription will become an active membership (paid) after the free trial expires. You can cancel your subscription at any time; there are no minimum terms.

Yes, navigate to the ‘WORKOUTS’ tab. In these workouts, you have the option of working out alongside your trainer.

We’ll let you know which equipment you need for each program. If you don’t own the recommended equipment in a program, you can substitute it with the equipment you currently own or furniture around the house. Here is a short video covering BaseBlocks equipment substitutes.

The annual membership is $99/year and the monthly membership is $19/month.