Workout Three

Workout overview

1A. Frog rocks
1B. Seated active hip abduction
2A. Elevated pigeon
2B. Active hip internal rotation
3A. Wide squat
3B. Pancake side bend
D. Side to side squat1

Warm-up (4 min)

1. Knee circles10 ea direction
2. Cat-cow10 reps
3. Supported 980/90 hip swivel5 ea side
4. Leg swings 10 ea side
5. Squat to pancake10 reps

1. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
Passive StretchActive Stretch
1A. Frog rocks10 rep10 sec
1B. Seated hip abduction10 rep10 sec

1A: Make about 80% of your maximal effort during 10 seconds of active contraction. 1B: If you can lift up your leg more than 30 degrees, you should sit up taller to make it more challenging

1A. Frog rocks: adductors
1B. Seated hip abduction: glutes

2. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
Passive stretchActive stretch
2A. Elevated pigeon20 sec5 reps
2B. Hip internal rotation10 reps10 sec

2B. Do not use too strong of a band if you lose a lot of range of motion. Start with the lightest band and work your way up.

2A. Elevated pigeon: glutes
2B. Active hip internal rotation: glutes

3. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
Active stretchPassive stretch
3A. Wide squat10 reps15 sec
3B. Pancake side-bend5 reps

3B. Sit on a block to elevate yourself, if you cannot sit up tall with your chest out

3A. Wide squat
3B. Pancake side bend: adductors

4. Side to side squat: 1 min for 1 set only.

Note: If you need a bit of support to finish your set, try to reduce the support gradually as you make progress

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