Hip Hinge Workout

Warm-up (5 min)
Calf flutters5 ea
Ankle circles5 ea
Toe touch walks5 ea
A. Sumo squat twists
B. Deep squat twists
5 ea
(repeat twice)
A. Shallow side lunge
B. Deep side lunge
5 ea
(repeat twice)

1. Perform this superset 3 times. Rest 1 min after 1B.
Weeks 1-2Weeks 3-4Weeks 5-6
1A. 10 repsStanding hip hingeBanded kneeling hip hingeBanded pull through
1B. 12 repsDeadlift with dowelDeadlift with bandStaggered stance deadlift

2. Perform this superset 3 times. Rest 1 min after 2B.
Weeks 1-2Weeks 3-4Weeks 5-6
2A. 12 reps totalClamshellBanded clamshellSide plank
2B. 12 reps totalHip thrustBanded hip thrustSL hip thrust (no band)

Cool-down (6mins)
A. Lunge
B. Hamstring stretch
30 sec ea
(repeat twice)
Lying band hamstring stretch30 sec ea
(repeat twice)

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