Workout One (50mins): Irradiation

Trainers’ tip

There is a tendency to perform just enough; it’s the body’s way of conserving energy. We want to oppose this natural tendency by activating the most amount of muscle groups we can for each exercise. Before performing each rep, try and squeeze the bar as hard as you can – you should be able to feel all the muscles in your upper body begin to generate tension before the movement begins. This is known as ‘irradiation’.

Workout summary

1a. Chin-up
1b. Single-leg hip bridge
2a. Tuck front lever
2b. Bulgarian split squats
3a. Feet elevated row
3b. Hollow body hold
4a. ISO pull-up hold
4b. Dips

1a. Chin-up

Start with arms straight and legs extended.
Drive elbows to the floor and touch collarbones to bar.

1b. Single-leg hip bridge

Place one foot on the floor & opposite knee above your hip.
Raise hips by pushing your heel into the floor.

Perform this superset 4 times w/1.5min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
1a. Chin-up78910
1b. Single leg bridge8101215

2a. Tuck front lever

Keep knees tucked to chest, shoulders packed and arms straight.
Place a band underneath your lower back to make it easier.

2b. Bulgarian Split Squats

Start with your back foot flat on a bench (bench should be above knee height)
Keep weight on mid-foot and lower until your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Perform this superset 4 times w/1.5min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
2a. Tuck front lever15sec15sec15sec15sec
2b. Split squat8ea10ea12ea15ea

3a. Feet elevated row

Start with legs straight and core engaged.
Drive elbows to the floor and touch chest to the bar.

3b. Hollow body hold

Keep toes pointed and shoulders off the floor.
Don’t let your back arch. Imagine squishing a bug with your low back.

Perform this superset for 3sets w/1min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
3a. Row8101212
3b. Hollow body hold30sec35sec40sec45sec

4a. ISO pull-up hold

Start with collarbones touching the bar.
No chinning! Cut the set when your chin drops below the bar.

4b. Dips

Start with arms fully extended.
Lower until your shoulders are lower than your elbows.

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
4a. ISO pull-up holdMaxMaxMaxMax
4b. Dips5678

Workout recap

You’ve made the workout significantly harder by putting in more every rep. Squeezing the bar hard before you begin your rep is a great hack to activate all the muscles in your upper body before the lift begins.

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