Workout One (45mins): Full ROM

Trainers’ tip

During this session, try and focus on the range of motion (ROM). You are only as strong as the range you train in (range-specificity). A common technical fault of beginners is focusing on increasing the reps, rather than strengthening the entire ROM. To avoid this pitfall, try and make sure that your arms are fully extended between reps.

Workout summary

1a. Band chin-up
1b. Single leg hip bridge
2a. Front lever raise
2b. Plank
3a. Rows
3b. Reverse lunge
4a. Scap rows
4b. Reverse push-ups

*Rep ranges for each week are in corresponding tables below.

1a. Band chin-up

Start with hands facing towards you and arms straight.
Touch collarbone to the bar and hold for 3 seconds.

1b. Single leg hip bridge

Place one foot on the floor & opposite knee above your hip.
Raise hips by pushing your heel into the floor.

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
1a. Band chins5678
1b. Hip Bridge8101215

2a. Front lever raise

Start with feet elevated and butt on the floor.
Drive arms into the bar to raise hips. Don’t go past a straight line.

2b. Plank

Stack shoulders over elbows and brace core as if a kick is coming.
Don’t let hips drop towards the end of the set!

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
2a. Front lever raise78910
2b. Plank60secs75secs90secs90secs

3a. Rows: Max reps

Start with arms straight and chest spread.
Touch chest to the bar every rep.

3b. Reverse lunge: 10ea

Lift one leg off the floor and look straight ahead.
Touch your back knee to the floor gently (imagine there is broken glass)

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
3a. RowsMaxMaxMaxMax
3b. Reverse lunge8101215

4a. Scap rows

Start with shoulders rolled forwards and look straight ahead.
Try and squeeze shoulder blades together for 2secs.

4b. Reverse pushup

Start at the bottom of a push-up with your core engaged.
Keeping your body in a straight line, push until your elbows are locked.

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
4a. Scap rows8101010
4b. Push-ups891011

Workout recap.

Strength is angle-specific. You should have focused on working through the full ROM. If you are unable to complete the desired reps with full ROM, this is known as ‘technical failure’ and it’s time to stop the set (the great thing about training is you can always try again next week).

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