Workout overview

1. Supinated toes to bar
2. V-ups
3. Straddle-ups
4. Straddle compression
Equipment needed: none


Exercise Reps/Duration
Wrist circuit 2 rounds
1A. Wrist push-ups 15 reps
1B. Wrist rocks 15 reps
1C. Supinated wrist extensiion 30 sec hold
Shoulders 2 rounds
2A. Prone angles 15 reps
2B. Shoulder flexion stretch 30 secs
2C. Legs 1 round
Dynamic leg swings 8 reps (front and side)
3A. Pancake good mornings 8-10 reps
3B. Pancake hold 1 min hold
Exercise Wrist circuit 1A. Wrist push-ups 1B. Wrist rocks 1C. Supinated wrist extensiion Shoulders 2A. Prone angles 2B. Shoulder flexion stretch 2C. Legs Dynamic leg swings 3A. Pancake good mornings 3B. Pancake hold
Reps/Duration 2 rounds 15 reps 15 reps 30 sec hold 2 rounds 15 reps 30 secs 1 round 8 reps (front and side) 8-10 reps 1 min hold

1. Supinated toes to bar
Perform 1 set of 8-10 reps

2. V-ups
Perform 2 sets of 8-10 reps with 45 sec rest

3. Straddle ups
Perform 1 set of 10-15 reps

4. Straddle compression
Perform 1 set of 15-20 reps

A. Pike hold
B. Pancake

Perform 2 rounds without rest

Exercise Duration
A. Pike fold 2 mins
B. Pancake 2 mins
Exercise A. Pike fold B. Pancake
Duration 2 mins 2 mins
A. Pike hold
B. Pancake