Workout overview

2. Pull-ups or chin-ups
3. Tuck planche push-ups
4. Front lever raises
5. L-sit liftovers
6. Pistol squats
Equipment needed: parallettes, pull-up bar

The difficulty and volume are reduced this week to help alleviate fatigue and maximize performance on the progress tests. You should use the same load/progression as week five and stop each set further from failure.


Exercise Reps
A. Wrist circles 10 ea direction
B. Elbow circles 10 ea direction
C. Shoulder circles 10 ea direction
D. Wrist push-ups 10 ea side
E. Push-ups 10 reps

2 sets of 5 reps with 3 min rest

2. Pull-ups or chin-ups
2 sets of 8 reps with 3 min rest

3. Tuck planche push-ups
2 sets of max reps with 3 min rest

4. Front lever raises
1 set of 6 reps

5. L-sit liftovers
2 sets of 5 reps (each side) with 2 min rest

6. Pistol squats
1 set of 8 reps (each side)

A. Scorpion rotation stretch
B. Shoulder flexion stretch
C. Shoulder extension stretch

Perform 2 rounds without rest

Exercise Duration
A. Scorpion rotation stretch 60 secs ea
B. Shoulder flexion stretch 60 secs
C. Shoulder extension stretch 60 secs
Exercise A. Scorpion rotation stretch B. Shoulder flexion stretch C. Shoulder extension stretch
Duration 60 secs ea 60 secs 60 secs
A. Scorpion rotation stretch
B. Shoulder flexion stretch
C. Shoulder extension stretch