Workout Two (45mins): Controlled Negatives

Trainers’ tip

In workout one, we focused on developing strength throughout the full ROM because strength has joint angle specificity. In today’s workout, you will try and focus on controlled negatives for 3-5seconds (also known as ‘eccentrics’). Negatives are the lowering portion of an exercise – the part where you move in the same direction of gravity, e.g. lowering in a push-up, lowering in a squat, lowering in a chin-up.

We are stronger during the lowering part of an exercise, making it easier to control, even as a beginner. By moving through the full ROM at an even speed, it ensures we don’t favor parts of the movement where we naturally stronger.

Workout summary

1a. Band pull-ups
1b. Squat jumps
2a. Front lever raise
2b. Hollow body hold
3a. Rows
3b. Push-ups
4a. Scapula pull-ups
4b. Reverse lunge

1a. Band pull-ups

Start with hands facing away from you and arms straight.
Touch collarbone to the bar.

1b. Squat jumps

Lower until your hamstrings are parallel to the floor,
Swing your arms overhead and jump as high as you can. Land quietly!

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Band pull-ups3456
Squat jumps8888

2a. Front lever raise

Start with feet elevated and butt on the floor.
Drive arms into the bar to raise hips. Don’t go past a straight line.

2b. Hollow body hold

Keep toes pointed and shoulders off the floor.
Don’t let your back arch. Imagine squishing a bug with your low back.

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
2a. Front lever raise78910
2b. Hollow body hold15sec15sec20sec20sec

3a. Rows

Start with arms straight and chest spread.
Beginner Back Strength
Touch chest to the bar every rep.

3b. Chair dips

Start with arms straight and heels about two steps from the board.
Lower butt backward until your shoulders are below your elbows.

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min30sec rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
3a. Rows78910
3b. Chair Dips78910

4a. Scap pull-ups

Start with arms straight and shoulders close to ears.
Create a ‘long neck’ by pulling shoulders back and down.

4b. Reverse lunge

Lift one leg off the floor and look straight ahead.
Touch your back knee to the floor gently (imagine there is broken glass)

Perform this superset 3 times w/1min rest

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
4a. Scap pull-ups8888
4b. Reverse lunge9111314

Workout recap.

The exercises may have felt tougher than usual – don’t worry. Under unregulated conditions, lowering in an exercise would take 1-2seconds. Today, you have increased the duration of each exercise by prolonging the negative for 3-5seconds. It’s worth it – you’re developing strength throughout every part of each exercise!

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