Workout One

Workout overview

1A. Cossack squat IR
1B. Seated hip abduction
2A. Pancake roll throughs
2B. Lying hip internal rotation
3A. Middle splits get up
3B. Supine band hip abduction
4. Middle splits contractions1

Warm-up (5 min)

1. 90/90 hip swivel5 ea
2. Single leg good morning5 reps + 10 secs
3. Wide squat10 reps
4. Elevated pigeon45 secs
5. Side to side squat8 reps
6. Pancake side to side taps1 min

1. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
1A. Cossack squat IR
1B. Seated hip abduction: the goal is to keep your upper body as upright as possible. Ankle weights optional
1A. Cossack squat IR7 reps
1B. Seated hip abduction10 reps10 sec

2. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
2A. Lying hip internal rotation: the band strength should not inhibit your range of motion
2B. Pancake roll throughs: try to keep your hips as low to the ground as possible
2A. Lying hip internal rotation10 reps10 secs
2B. Pancake roll throughs5 reps

3. Perform this superset 2 times back-to-back
3A.Middle splits get-up: knees, hips and ankles should stay in a straight line
3B. Supine band hip abduction: band strength should not inhibit range of motion
3A. Middle splits get-up5 reps
3B. Supine band hip abduction10 reps10 secs

4. Middle splits contractions: perform this once. 10 sec contractions three times, followed by 10 sec hold
Try and go deeper after each contraction. Use a tape measure to track progress.
Week 1
Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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