Workout overview

1A. Band assisted tuck planche hold
1B. Bent arm straddle press - straddle sit
2A. SB roll out to straddle press
2B. Straddle handstand hold
3. Band assisted toe tap to straddle sit
Equipment needed: bands


Exercise Reps/Duration
A. Leg kicks front-to-back 10 reps (each side)
B. Side leg kicks 10 reps (each side)
C. Standing hip rotations 10 reps (each direction)
D. Elephants 8 reps (each side)
E. Straddle 3-point reaches 5 reps
F. Band pull-aparts 15 reps
G. Banded OH shrugs 15 reps
H. Cats and camels 8 reps
I. Prone L'sx 8 reps
J. Baby bridges 3 reps
K. Downward dog to cobra 5 reps
L. Banded around the worlds 5 reps
M. Wrist stretches 20 secs (each position)
Exercise A. Leg kicks front-to-back B. Side leg kicks C. Standing hip rotations D. Elephants E. Straddle 3-point reaches F. Band pull-aparts G. Banded OH shrugs H. Cats and camels I. Prone L'sx J. Baby bridges K. Downward dog to cobra L. Banded around the worlds M. Wrist stretches
Reps/Duration 10 reps (each side) 10 reps (each side) 10 reps (each direction) 8 reps (each side) 5 reps 15 reps 15 reps 8 reps 8 reps 3 reps 5 reps 5 reps 20 secs (each position)
1A. Band assisted tuck planche hold
1B. Bent arm straddle press - straddle sit

1. Perform this superset for 3 sets with 2 min rest

Exercise Reps
1A. Band assisted tuck planche hold 10 secs
1B. Bent arm straddle press - straddle sit 5 reps
Exercise 1A. Band assisted tuck planche hold 1B. Bent arm straddle press - straddle sit
Reps 10 secs 5 reps
1A. Band assisted tuck planche hold
1B. Bent arm straddle press - straddle sit
2A. SB roll out to straddle press
2B. Straddle handstand hold

2. Perform this superset for 3 sets with 2 min rest

Exercise Reps
2A. SB roll out to straddle press 8 reps
2B. Straddle handstand hold Max duration
Exercise 2A. SB roll out to straddle press 2B. Straddle handstand hold
Reps 8 reps Max duration
2A. SB roll out to straddle press
2B. Straddle handstand hold
3. Band assisted toe tap to straddle sit

3. Band assisted toe tap to straddle sit
Perform 3 sets of 3-5 reps with 2 min rest

3. Band assisted toe tap to straddle sit


Exercise Duration/Reps
A. Adductor rocks 10 reps (each side)
B. Frog stretch 20 secs
C. Straddle stretch 20 secs
D. Lunge complex 20 secs (each position)
E. Weighted deficit pike stretch 20 secs
F. Anchored straddle stretch 20 secs
G. Splits 30 secs (each side)
Exercise A. Adductor rocks B. Frog stretch C. Straddle stretch D. Lunge complex E. Weighted deficit pike stretch F. Anchored straddle stretch G. Splits
Duration/Reps 10 reps (each side) 20 secs 20 secs 20 secs (each position) 20 secs 20 secs 30 secs (each side)